Thursday, December 6, 2012


1. Intro video
The Nets teaching standard the introduction video met was 3c. The standards is to "communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital age media and formats." The video met this standard because it allowed students to video each other and use technology to introduce themselves to the class. I would use the introduction video at the beginning of the year to break the ice. I may also let my students to make a video at the end of the year to talk about the things they learned and some of their favorite moments.

2. Ghostery
Ghostery met the teaching standard 4a. That standard is to "advocate, model, and teach safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information and technology, including respect for copyright, intellectual property, and the appropriate documentation of sources." Ghostery meets standard 4a because it involves tracking users and selling information to outside sources. I do not think that I would incorporate Ghostery very much in my teaching because I will be teaching elementary. Ghostery is a better concept to learn about in high school because that is when students will use the most technology.

3. Facebook
The Facebook project promoted and modeled digital etiquette and responsible social interactions related to the use of technology and information. This standard is 4c. Facebook met this because it is all about social interaction. I would use Facebook as a way to teach how to use appropriate etiquette online and to introduce the topic of online bullying. This would be a better topic for older students, especially high school. It is important however, to introduce cyber bullying at a very young age so that children will be aware of the effects that it can have.

4. Concept map
The concept map met standard 2c. This standard is to "customize and personalize learning activities to address students’ diverse learning styles, working strategies, and abilities using digital tools and resources." The concept map is a tool that I would use in my classroom. It would be very useful for making presentations to my class. I would also allow students to make their own concept maps about a topic or about a writing prompt. By doing this I would incorporate the use of technology and I would also be allowing my students to organize their thoughts. I could also allow my students to make a concept map about a certain topic and then present it to the class so that we could all discuss it.

5. Voki
Voki uses standard 3c, which is "communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital age media and formats." A Voki allows students to create their own cartoon character that speaks. It meets the standard because it allows students to effectively communicate using digital media. I would use this in my classroom to introduce a topic to my students. Children love cartoons and they would be a lot more interested in a cartoon character teaching them something, rather than an actual person. This website is very easy to use so I would let older students make their own Voki. I would have them create a Voki about a certain topic so that they could present them to the class. Voki is a great way to incorporate technology in the classroom.

6. Webpage
Standard 1a is to promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness. Making the webpage met this standard because it allowed me to be creative and invent my own page. I created my page about photography and this allowed me to do individual research about the topic. I then took the information I learned and transferred it to my webpage. I also had to be creative and try different fonts, backgrounds, and photos to see which ones would make my page more visually appealing. I will definitely use a webpage when I become a teacher. It is very important that parents are able to communicate with the teacher and to know what is going on with their child's education. My webpage will have upcoming events, games, homework help, photographs, and things for the parents to read. The younger students might not be able to actually create a webpage, but many of the older ones would be able to do so. They could make their own webpage about something that interests them or about something that we will learn about. This allows the student to research and develop their technological skills, as well as learn proper online etiquette.

7. Extranormal
When we made an Extranormal video we met standard 1b. This is to "engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources." This standard fits the Extranormal assignment because I made a video about bullying using digital tools. I would use this as a tool in my classroom to introduce a topic to my students. It is a fun way to learn about a topic rather than simply reading about it. I probably would not allow my students to actually make an Extranormal however, because it is more difficult than Voki. It would be more appropriate for high school students.

8. Movie Maker
The standard movie maker met was 2c. This standard says, "customize and personalize learning activities to address students’ diverse learning styles, working strategies, and abilities using digital tools and resources" Movie Maker meets this standard because it allowed me to use digital tools and resources to create my own personal movie. I would allow my students to use Movie Maker because it is a fun way to lean about and present information. I would also make videos for my students to watch because they are more interesting than PowerPoint.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Problem & Solution

My problem is that I never have enough time to get everything done. I have school and work every day so it's hard to fit everything in. One way of solving my problem using my car is driving faster. Although it may be impractical and more dangerous, it would allow me more time to do my work. I could also get some audio books to listen to in the car so I could study while I drive.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Outer Space Concept Map


I.    Stars

A.    Sun

The Sun is the closest star to Earth and it produces heat which sustains life on Earth. It is made of the gasses hydrogen and helium. The sun is approximately 864,000 miles in diameter and about 92 million miles from the Earth. The sun is considered a yellow dwarf star, which burn about 11,000 degrees Fahrenheit.

Galaxy Orgins

I.    Galaxies                                                                                                           

A.    Types of Galaxies


I.    Outer Planets

A.    Saturn

Saturn is the second largest planet. It has seven flat rings around it. The rings are made up of billions of pieces of rocks and dust. Saturn is almost ten times as large as the Earth and can be seen from Earth. 

B.    Jupiter

C.    Planets



I.    Inner Planets




Mars is the fourth planet closest to the Sun. It is the second smallest planet, being only 42,000 miles in diameter. The planet Mars is a rusty color because there is a lot of iron in the soil. Mars got its name from the war god in ancient Roman mythology. 


I.    Discovery of Space

Space Travel

As a part of the "Space Race," the Apollo 11 went on a mission to the moon. Neil Armstrong became the first person to walk on the moon. His famous quote was, "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." Several missions to the moon have been successful since then and space exploration continues to expand.

I.    Space Technology

Outer Space


Nicholaus Copernicus

Nicholaus Copernicus was one of the first scientists to make observations about outer space. He proposed that the Earth orbited the Sun and that all of the planets orbited in a circular motion. Copernicus was cautious to voice his opinions about space because he was an official at a Polish Church, which was very strict about their beliefs.

I.    Scientists

Galileo Galilei