Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Educators Evaluate 'Flipped Classrooms'

The article talks about how a lot of educators are trying a new method of teaching called the “flipped classroom.” Instead of doing homework at home, the student is supposed to watch video tutorials teaching the subject content or the lecture for the class. At school the next day the children are expected to have some understanding of the material and be able to do their “homework” while in the classroom. This is why it is called “flipped.” Many teachers have modified the “flipped classroom” so that students watch the video in class, they may have to take notes, or the video is simply there for extra instruction. A “flipped classroom” is a good idea in theory, but I do not believe that it is the best method of teaching. I say this, because when I took College Algebra the lectures were completely online by video tutorials. It was very hard for me to learn the content because I did not feel in any way engaged in the instruction. I feel like I learn a lot better when a teacher is actually in the classroom teaching, than on a computer screen. There is also the simple truth that many students would not watch the videos and show up for class unprepared for their work and activities. I believe video tutorials should not completely be ruled out, but they should not be the main source of learning. 

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